Monday, October 23, 2006

Croquet - XUL

I am trying to incorporate the Impara Sophie's XUL staff and logic into the Croquet.

The idea is that, we could define the Croquet (3d/2d) user interfaces (or the way of filling up the space with content) within a xml file. which satisfies the Croquet software logic requirements (for example: multiplicity of spaces (no direct analogs in VRML or X3D), etc.) and is readable by human.

To try first tiny example in work, just install the two latest XUL and Croquet-Xul packages from repository,and add to CroquetMenuProject at any #menuBar.. new menuItem:

menu add: 'Create from xul' target: self action: #actionCreateFromXUL disabled: false.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday, August 18, 2006

Croquet and Sophie :united

The combination of these great software technologies gives the complete solution for building next generated multimedia.
We could develop the 3D real-time (Croquet and OpenGL) applications with XUL (Sophie - Tweak-Rome and XML-CSS) based 2D user interfaces and multilanguage support (Sophie Unicode FontManager and FreeType fonts).
I'have tried to unite it using the current avaliable versions,
It works!

To try you need:
  1. Croquet v1.0 beta
  2. Download additional resources (all in one zip file: 'Fonts/resources/bin' shoud be extracted in root Croquet folder).
  3. Install all packages from SqueakSource repository . (load into working image manualy or using CroquetSophie.mcm)
  4. In 'Workspace' execute: SophieSystem installFonts. SophiePreferences setupPreferences.
  5. From 'Objects' run VMuseum (Master)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

CA Cert Certificate for securing e-mails content.

Now I have CA Cert signing certificate for securing e-mails.
You can Downlad in one (zip) file:
CA Cert root certificate and my certificate for

Friday, March 17, 2006

An introduction to Sophie

The great Introduction to Sophie in (PDF)by The institute for the future of the Book. 13-page explaining exactly what Sophie is.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Starting the CCSE project.

The web resources of CCSE project are available now from Internet.
For more information look at CCSE weblog

Croquet on Wikipedia.

For everybody who want to find out "What is Croquet?" can link:
A brief introduction into the Croquet project.