Glad to invite everybody to register for exploring now the OpenQwaq's collaborative 3D forums using Krestianstvo SDK2 and ongoing Krestianstvo's 2 forums (CCSE, Learning math, Collaborative music, Art disks, ect.) in near future.
The registration page is available online now for all: http://www.krestianstvo.ru/register (RU: http://неучи.рф/регистрация ).
As soon as you get the Login and Password, you could enter into the collaborative 3D forums anywhere through the internet. But for that you'll need to download the new version of SDK.v.2.0.2: here or using an alternative link, or update the 2.0.1 one (Monticello repository here: http://krestianstvo.ru:8888/sdk/Monticello/sdk2/).
The main feature of the new 2.0.2 SDK is the new database storage logic, entirely based on XML and taking away the ODBC/MySQL usage. So, the OpenQwaq's service provider (not the Local's one) use the XML based db just as MySQL db, while storing it in Smalltalk class variable and serializing it's tables onto disc with plain XML files. That scenario is suitable for local and internet servers, thus turning OpenQwaq onto really mobile platform. Another feature is directed against Apache/PHP, meaning the coal/web/forum services running on :9991. So, the first step you could look at working online registration on Krestianstvo site and next will be having all admin pages using just Javascript and Ajax, hosted on the same Smalltalk image.
See you in the forums!