Monday, August 13, 2007

Krestianstvo/Igrishe on the road.

Just want to make a small report on using the Croquet and Squeak stuff in production environment.
So, here is the list of Art museums in Russia, that began using the Igrishe framework, and are showing the art installations on it now:
  1. State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow)
  2. State Russian Museum (St'Petersburg)
  3. Samara's State Art Museum (Samara)
(The first two - are the main art museums in Russia)

Internatioanl conferences, where Croquet SDK based Krestianstvo/Igrishe applications were demonstarated.
  1. EVA Russia 2006 (Moscow)
  2. InterMuseum 2007 ( Moscow)
  3. ADIT-2007 (Saratov)
Soon opening:
and it is only just beginig.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Croquet SDK 1.0 and TweakUI on Sophie's XUL.

Krestianstvo - is for those, who want to try Sophie's XUL in describing the Croquet TweakUI's.
Load CroquetSophieXul.mcm from SS sources into Croquet SDK 1.0 or CroquetCollaborative 1.0 through Monticello browser, and extract this archive with system libraries into the Croquet root folder.

It integrates all in one Croquet SDK environment:
1. Freetype fonts and Unicode support (native from Sophie).
Use of any language you want, just point to necessary Freetype font.
2. Rome graphic support (from Rome and Sophie)
3. XUL programming model (native from Sophie)
Design Tweak UI's for Croquet applications in plain XML and CSS files. Create any number of theme designs or unique styles.

Croquet TweakMenuBar is defined using Sophie's XUL

Current Krestianstvo version contains just a base addons for Croquet from Sophie and it's system libraries for Windows/Linux/Mac.
Image (source) includes one example of using XUL in Croquet, showing how to replace the default Tweak menubar in SimpleMasterDemo.

Next Krestianstvo version with Croquet-XUL.
Croquet-XUL will allow to define the pure Croquet(3d/2d) user interfaces or TSpace contents within a xml file, according to the Croquet software logic requirements.

An example setup of XUL ui (XulMenuBar class)
app := MenuXulApplication new.
app setupFromXMLFile: (FileDirectory pathFromURI: 'resources/menu.xml') styleSheetFile: (FileDirectory pathFromURI: 'resources/menu.css') for: self.
app application: self.
^app widgets at:#main
it returns the instance of CMenuBar, according to menu.xml and menu.css files descriptions.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Open Croquet realtime art installation: Igrishe.

This 2007 year I am running the art instalation: Igrishe.
For making it, I have built a prototype of such a 'distributed slideshow' application based on Open Croquet SDK and named it with Igrishe.

Igrishe in work (distributed slideshow on 3 Walls)

The main aim of Igrishe is to allow the artists to build/run realtime performances/VJ sessions in Theatre, Art gallery and Learning labs.

In the current installation I tried to connect the real space of 3 walls with its virtual projections in 3D. All installation is rendered by 3 computers (one per wall) connected in network with running Croquet image on every machine. (scalable to any number of walls/projections)
So the artist gets the full featured connected virtual/real space to manipulate with.
For example: it is easy to model the real world scene lightning ( transitions and effects with color, moving the computer generated light source in the space of real walls); geometry transformations (dividing, adding new virtual walls); projecting video/3d animations/images synchronously; and so on. (everything is in OpenGL)
Soon I'll post more information on Igrishe, it' s sourcecode and Croquet based making realtime performances howto.

The opening day of exhibition/installation.
(at Russia State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow)

Here is one of the image sets from this installation:
The spot light is roving from left to right wall smoothly.

So, Open Croquet becomes a great SDK for building not only Virtual reality worlds, but also Augmented reality.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

MediaTalk in work.

New multimedia disc on art is published at Russia State Tretyakov Gallery: 'Whistler and Russia'
It is a first try of MediaTalk in 2D work.
So, it is made entirely in SmallTalk and based on Tweak application using Sophie/Croquet XUL logic.

And the second variant of disc (in progress) is planed to be in 3D on Krestianstvo methodology and Croquet, so that all art-spaces are defined by using Croquet-Xul logic.