Monday, April 09, 2012

Virtual World Framework (aka Croquet 2) goes live!

"The Virtual World Framework (VWF) is a fast, light-weight, web-based architecture for creating and distributing secure, scalable, component-based, and collaborative virtual spaces. It leverages existing web-based standards, infrastructure, and emerging technologies with the intent of establishing a powerful yet simple to use platform that is built on top of the next generation of web browsers. " from

Here is the information about VWF, that is available on Internet for now:
The VWF source code, published during the conference
Video showing the Virtual World Framework, starting from 0:40 min.
Slides from WebGl camp 4 about VWF architecture.
I have tested the installation process of VWF server on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3, here are the steps:
Launch a terminal window:
1. Load the source code from VWF Git repository:
$ git clone vwf
2. Install RVM
$ curl -L | bash -s stable
2. Reload your shell environment
$ source ~/.bash_profile
3. Find the requirements (follow the instructions)
$ rvm requirements
4. Install ruby
$ rvm install 1.9.3
5. cd to your VWF development directory
$ cd vwf/
6. Install bundler
$gem install bundler
7. Install the RubyGems to the system
$bundle install --binstubs
8. Edit the file "", correcting the file paths:
require "init.rb"
change to
require "./init.rb"
5. Set Ruby 1.9.3 as the default for current shell.
$ rvm use 1.9.3
6. Run the VWF server:
$ ./bin/thin start
7. Open http://localhost:3000 in WebGL enabled web-browser (for full experience you will need the latest Mozilla Firefox web browser)
If you want to start VWF server as a background service, just add -d key:
$ ./bin/thin start -d
Also I tested the installation procedure on FreeBSD 8.1
and has successfully ran the VWF server instance on

Happy Birthday to Virtual World Framework!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Krestianstvo SDK at C5-2012 conference

This year I was very happy to be at the The Tenth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing 18-20 January 2012 (Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, CA, USA) and to demonstrate Krestianstvo SDK's projects and quit new features of it, like Microsoft Kinect and CAVE support for OpenQwaq. The primerily proceedings are available for download (publication to appear).

Almost all Viewpoints research institute's team was there!
There was a great tour of USC Institute for Creative Technologies and demonstrations of their projects.

Coach Mike (programming robot with blocks)

ICT Graphics Lab: Light Stage X, Gunslinger: Virtual Human integration demonstration, ICT Mixed Reality.

in.. Los Angeles, California...